Kokusai Dori, also known as the Miracle Street symbolizing Okinawa’s revival after World War II (Photo: Varsha Vaswati)

Kokusai Dori, Naha

A bustling street with local delights and surprises

Varsha Vaswati   - 1 minutos de lectura

Stretching for a good 1.5 km, Kokusai Dori is the famous shopping street in downtown Naha. Lined on either side by souvenir shops, glass-bead and jewelry shops, cafes, restaurants, bars and street vendors, this broad and bustling street has quite some creepy surprises to offer too. The shops and restaurants remain open late in night attracting tourists and locals alike. Along with sampling the local produce, one can enjoy the famous Okinawan music too.

Varsha Vaswati

Varsha Vaswati @aame.varsha