ここは県下有数を誇る、祖谷川に沿った美しい渓谷。深く切り込んだV字型の渓谷の底にはエメラルドグリーン色の祖谷川が 流れ、上から覗き込めば、目がくらむほどはるか下に見える。秋には谷底から峰まで全山紅葉し、見事なまでの錦秋が眺められるが今回は少し早かったようだ。
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Masayoshi Hirose @masayoshi.hirose
I was born in and grew up in Kyoto in 1960, and currently live in Ehime. About ten years ago I developed interest in photography, and now as an avid photographer, I drive around Japan (mostly western parts of Japan) when I have time, and enjoy mysterious natural phenomena such as sunrises, sunset...