Colors starting to change (Photo: Matthew Shewchuk)

Naeba Fall Hiking

Before the snow

C. Rio   - 1 minutos de lectura

Taking advantage of the brief calm between the storms (typhoons), me and my faithful hiking buddy made another pilgrimage to the top of Naeba-san.  This time in we were in search of fall colors. The blue of the skies reflecting in the patchwork pools at the top made for some great photos.  This time we opted for the shorter hike via Kagura ski resort, which made for a very easy day of hiking, with ample time at the peak to enjoy the changing colors. We weren't the only only ones with this idea, but we happily shared the trails with our fellow hikers.

C. Rio

C. Rio @matthew.shewchuk

Based out of Minakami, where I work as a canyoning guide.  I love hiking and am always looking to the skies for good weather.